August 27, 2019
Regina Fish and Game League Range Rules
Regina Fish and Game League Range Rules
The range officer has full control of the range when on duty.
The range officer commands shall be followed at all times.
- Range hours are 8am to sunset. Range gate will not be activated until 7:30am
- Members only, Guest shooting is permitted with the purchase of a guest pass. Members in good standing may bring out 1 guest at a time if they purchase a guest pass online.
- Raise/Lower the flag. First in/Last out
- Every member must fob-in upon entry and exit of the range property (even if you do not shoot)
- Any person appearing under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will not be permitted on the firing line and will be asked to leave the firing line
- Shooting at paper targets or the provided steel gongs only. No other targets are permitted.
- Only one shooter at each shooting bench
- Uncontrolled rapid fire is not permitted
- The rifle and trap range can be used at the same time provided no personnel go past the 100y target boards when a trap machine is in use.
- Only lead birdshot 7.5 or smaller is permitted on the trap range.
- During a ceasefire, all firearms shall be made safe and all firearms shall be pointed down range. Shooters must be behind the yellow line. No handling of firearms is permitted during a ceasefire.
- A safe firearm is: Action open, Magazine empty and removed (if possible) and a chamber flag (if available) inserted in the action
Anyone damaging range property or otherwise contravening any of these rules is subject to immediate forfeiture of membership and may be subject to legal action
Please clean up after yourself